Our humble abode:):)
Searching for shells
CJ's crab
He claims that he's Roy Rogers:)
My Florida snowman:) He even has hair! Haha
Abby made a castle with tile floors made of shells
The water was so pretty:)
Willie was constantly washing off, and then rolling around in the sand, and washing off again......and so on:):)
Welcome to our beach house:)
There is a lovely view from here
An Osprey, I think.....(Abby??A little help???)
Notice the approaching storm
The seagrapes make nice shade
"Let's go fly a kite....."
Skip-bo, anyone???? I used to love playing this with Grandmama when I went with her and Granddaddy on jobs:)
A willing helper
"Move over, CJ! You're squishing me!!!
Callie taking advantage of her internet access:):)
I love taking pictures of the sunset over the ocean!
CJ proudly showing the camera his fish:)
Well, thank y'all for stopping by!!!!
~Posted by Mary~